Guest speaker - Bob Owen, author of The Australian Beekeeping Manual.
Bob has recently returned from Nigeria and Lebanon and will have fascinating insights to share about beekeeping in this part of the world.
Calling for nominations to our Committee
Take your interest in bees to the next level. Join or friendly and focused committee to work together to help this group thrive. Put your skills and abilities to work with only four meetings a year.
Nominations are invited for the following executive positions:
President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. (Click here for position descriptions and see below links to nomination forms).
All are welcome to attend the AGM.
However, only financial members are entitled to vote. If you are unsure of your financial status, please email us to check at
We look forward to seeing you all there.
at ECOSS 711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn, Victoria, 3799, Australia