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Yarra Valley Bee Group

October online Bee Group meeting

Sun, 25 Oct 2020
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Join us online on 25th October for our Yarra Valley Bee Group Meeting

We'll start with Whats happening in my hive? - hosted by our President Phil Godman.

Followed by our guest speaker:

Andrew Wootton - Electronic Hive Monitoring

Andrew first started beekeeping assisting his father in the UK in the pre-varroa 1960’s.   He is a certified Master Beekeeper with the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America.  Over the last few years in Melbourne his beekeeping activities have mainly involved convening and running numerous teaching courses including beginners, Flow hive, intermediate and queen raising workshops.

Andrew has presented his electronic hive monitoring projects at the Apimondia World Bee Congresses in Istanbul and Montreal as well as at the 3rd and 4th International Bee and Hive Monitoring Workshops.

In his talk, Andrew will discuss his swarm trap monitor and show the electronic bee counter that he built during lockdown.  He will also review some highlights from the recent 4th International Hive Monitoring Workshop.

Come along and keep up to date with local conditions that effect your hive, connect with other beekeepers, share resources, improve your apiary skills and learn more about honeybee ecology.

**Registrations close Saturday 24th October at midday. If you've missed out please email yarravalleybeegroup@mail.tidyhq.com

**Our monthly meetings will continue online on the last Sunday of the month.


Ticket Type Price
Online ticket The day before you will receive a link to join via zoom
$0.00 Sale Ended

at ECOSS 711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn, Victoria, 3799, Australia

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