NB - Our March Meeting has been changed to a Friday night. This will be an in-person meeting Friday 31st. (instead of Sunday 26th). Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start.
Ally Driessen is a Bee Biosecurity Officer at Agriculture Victoria. She was an amateur beekeeper and permaculture enthusiast during the Varroa scare in Victoria mid-2018. This drove her to swap a corporate career for a ‘bee-change’ and become part of the driving force in reducing the risks of exotic and established honey bee pests.
At our March meeting she will be speaking about:
Varroa Mite - Update
BeeMAX – Agriculture Victoria’s bees online digital platform;
Priorities for Apiary Inspectors at the moment;
The Australian Honey Bee Industry - Biosecurity Code of Practice and the Victorian Legislation Division 5—Bees.
Join us to keep up to date with local conditions that effect your hive, connect with other beekeepers, share resources, improve your apiary skills and learn more about honeybee ecology.
at ECOSS 711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn, Victoria, 3799, Australia