1.30 for a 2pm start
2pm - Speaker - Andrew Wootton - Withstanding Varroa
Andrew Wootton is a certified Master Beekeeper with the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America and has run numerous beginners’ courses and queen-raising workshops. He is a board member of the Victorian Apiarists’ Association (VAA) and recently became Chair of its Education Committee.
As an active SQRT (State Quarantine Response Team) member he has been deployed numerous times with both Agriculture Victoria and the NSW DPI on the varroa response.
He has recently presented at the VAA and his presentation will assist us to answer questions such as:
Will I lose all my hives?
What happens to the feral hives?
What can I do to help my bees?
Are treatments available yet?
Are they breeding Varroa resistant queens? Can we import such queens?
So, come along and hear from someone who has the knowledge and expereince about what to expect and how to best manage our hives with Varroa. Come prepared with your own questions for Andrew.
This will be followed by our monthly Whats happening in my hive?
Join us and keep up to date with local conditions that effect your hive, connect with other beekeepers, share resources, improve your apiary skills and learn more about honeybee ecology.
Non members are welcome too. Meetings are held at ECOSS, 711 Old Warburton Road, Wesburn, in the ‘Coop’ (past the old house, over the green, down the bottom). Gold coin donation appreciated.
at ECOSS 711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn, Victoria, 3799, Australia