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Yarra Valley Bee Group

November Bee Group Meeting - Beekeeping in Uganda

Sun, 27 Nov 2022
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Come and join in the celebrations for our last meeting of the year.

2pm - Whats happening in my hive?

Followed by our monthly Speaker - Simon Turner - Malaika Honey in Uganda

Australian beekeeper Simon Turner established Malaika Honey in Uganda in 2006 with the aim of developing a sustainable beekeeping industry. Malaika Honey is a social enterprise and has a wide range of international partners and supporters including the UN Industrial Development Organisation, Jane Goodall Institute and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Malaika Honey provides farmers throughout Uganda with the beekeeping training, equipment and tools to become self-sufficient producers of high-quality honey and hive products. Malaika has also developed a retail and online market for beekeeping equipment that enables the farmers to become small-middle income earners. He has written a guidebook that focuses on transitional beekeeping methods using Kenyan Top Bar beehives.

Simon Turner will be our guest speaker at our monthly meeting on 27th November, 2022. He is going to talk about Malaika Honey's work over the past 16 years and its future.

Stay on after the speaker and help us celebrate another year of YVBG. Aternoon tea provided.

Meetings are held at ECOSS, 711 Old Warburton Road, Wesburn, in the newly renovated ‘Coop’ (past the old house, over the green, down the bottom). Gold coin donation appreciated. 

711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn VIC 3799, Australia

at ECOSS 711 Old Warburton Rd, Wesburn, Victoria, 3799, Australia

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